Hello from BritEM Graphics!
Having spent years designing and printing decals and transfers for model cars, it's time to see what else we can do with the skills we possess.
A total of 7 repaints are included in this pack. They are all in a generic livery as we prefer to avoid referring to a specific service.
It is available to download from here or here.
This release includes the following:
- Police Forensic: a Scout built to carry all the fancy gear used by the forensic team. Comes with cargo configuration and has no emergency lights.

- Police Carrier: probably the most common variant of Scout, built to carry officers anywhere. Comes with passenger configuration.

- Police Dogs: capable of not only carrying human but also canines. As dog partition is not a thing with the model, it comes with crew van configuration.

- Police Protection: this red-coloured police van should pretty rare in your everyday life unless you live on Downing Street I guess. But hey it's BeamNG, have as many as you want. Comes with passenger configuration.

- Police Response: a fancier version of Scout than Carrier. Inspired by the 3 Vito used by BTP Network Incident Response Team in London. This vehicle comes with crew van configuration.

- Ambulance Carrier: a type of ambulance typically used on non-emergency incidents such as patient transport. Comes with passenger configuration.

- Ambulance Response: those dealing with emergencies, response as in "Incident Response Unit". Comes with cargo configuration.

- Fire & Rescue: the "mini" fire engine. Comes with crew van configuration.

- Gavril Scout by LukasBE [PAID]: https://www.beamng.com/threads/gavril-scout-18-24-paid.88644/
- Gavril Scout RHD Pack by EddieHimself: https://www.beamng.com/resources/gavril-scout-rhd-mod.26354/
- UK & Overseas Number Plate Pack by ThisIsAlex: https://www.beamng.com/resources/uk-overseas-license-plate-pack.21436/
Planned future updates:
- Police Cell: often used to take aggressive suspects back to a police station.
- Ambulance Response Type II: use a yellow body colour instead of silver.
And as usual, any feedback would be welcomed.